紅糟粉蒸排骨 Steamed Red Fermented Rice Spareribs

材料 Ingredients
小排骨 Sparerib 1 磅 lb (450g)
紅薯 Yam 1 小顆 Small
紅糟醃料 Red fermented rice marinade 1 份 Portion
粉蒸粉 Fen-Zheng (Rice) Powder 1/2 杯 cup
蔥 Scallion 2 支 stalk
註:請肉販將排骨切成3cm 寬長條。
Note: Ask your butcher to cut the spareribs into 3cm wide strips.

5. 把紅薯鋪在蒸碗內,再將排骨放在紅薯上。
6. 將排骨放進蒸籠用中大火蒸1小時。撒上蔥花即可裝盤。

1. Cut the spareribs into small pieces. Wash and peel the yam, then cut it into small chunks. Wash and dice the scallion.
2. Prepare the Feng-Zhen Powder and Red Fermented Rice Marinade.
3.Marinate the spareribs with the Red Fermented Rice Marinade for 1 hour.
4.Mix the Feng-Zhen powder with the spareribs thoroughly.
5. Put the yam chunks in a bowl or a container. Place the marinated spareribs on top of the yam.
6. Steam the marinated spareribs in medium-high heat for 1 hour. Sprinkle with the diced scallions.

最後更新 (Last Update): 11/07/2013
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