Sesame Pocket Flatbread繁體中文
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1. | Prepare the Half Boiled Dough , increase the oil in the recipe to 40 grams. Cover the dough with a piece of plastic wrap and rest for 30 minutes. |
2. | Heat 65g of oil in a pan, gradually add 100g of cake flour; stir and cook until the roux is light brown. Turn off the heat and set the roux aside to cool down. |
3. | Roll the half boiled dough into a 40cm x 20 cm (16"x8") rectangular sheet. Evenly spread the roux over the dough sheet. |
4. | Roll the dough sheet lengthwise in to a tube. Divide the tube into 12 even sections. To divide, use a bamboo skewer and press down on the dough firmly, but do not break all the way through the dough. This will mark the dividing points for the tube. |
5. | Once all the marks have been made, twist the dough at each mark and carefully pull apart the dough to separate each section. Pinch both ends of each chunk of dough to make sure no roux falls out. |
6. | Sprinkle little flour over the working surface. Press and roll one piece of the dough into a long strip then fold it strip into thirds. Turn the folded dough 90° and roll it out into a long strip. Fold it into thirds again. Repeat this step for the rest of dough. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and rest for 15 minutes. |
7. | Brush little water over the back of each dough (folded side facing down), then cover it with white sesame seeds. |
8. | Preheat to oven to 205˚(400˚F). Roll out each dough piece into a thin rectangular sheet, sesame side facing up. |
9. | Bake the dough on the middle rack for 10 minutes or until the bread is golden brown. Turn the baking pan once in the midway so the color will be even. |

Sesame Pocket Flatbread with Beef
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1. | Mix the sweeten soybean paste, mirin and sesame oil in a small bowl. |
2. | Scissors the sesame pocket flatbread open. Stuff the bread pocket with 3 large slices of beef shank. Brush the beef with the sweeten soybean paste mixture and top with scallions and cilantro. Clost the pocket and serve. |

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1. | 準備半燙麵麵團,將配方中的油增加到40克。做好的麵團用保潔膜包好醒30分鐘。 |
2. | 平底鍋放進65克油燒熱,慢慢加入100g低筋麵粉用中火炒到呈淡棕色。熄火,放到一邊待涼後即為油酥。 |
3. | 將麵團桿成16"x8"長方形麵片,再將油酥均勻地抹在麵皮上。 |
4. | 麵團從長向捲成一長條,用竹籤等壓出12份,竹籤要壓到底但不要壓斷。 |
5. | 拿起麵卷,依照壓痕扭轉成一小球後掐斷,共12段。將兩端開口處捏緊,以免油酥漏出來。 |
6. | 工作台上撒些手粉,取一段麵擀成長條後折三摺。轉90度後再擀開並折成三摺。12個全部做好後覆蓋保潔膜醒15分鐘。 |
7. | 在每個麵團光滑面上刷些水再沾滿芝麻。 |
8. | 烤箱預熱到205˚(400˚F)。將每個麵團桿成長方形薄片,芝麻面朝上。 |
9. | 把麵團裝在烤盤上,放進烤箱中層烤10分鐘,中途烤盤要轉個方向這樣上色才會均勻。 |

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1. | 將甜麵醬,味霖和麻油在小碗裡調勻,即為抹醬。 |
2. | 將燒餅一側剪開。打開後擺進三大片牛腱,塗上步驟1的抹醬,再加入蔥絲和香菜絲即可。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 04/15/2021
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