粗米粉湯 Thick Rice Noodle Soup

材料 Ingredients
粗米粉 Thick Rice Noodle 2/3 磅 lb (300g)
蝦皮 Tiny dried shrimp 1/4 杯 Cup
炸紅蔥頭 Fried shallot 1/4 杯 Cup
芹菜丁 Diced celery 1 /4 杯 cup
豬大骨高湯 Pork Stock 10 杯 cup
鹽 Salt1 小匙 tsp
白胡椒粉 Ground white pepper1/2 小匙 tsp
食用油 Cooking oil 1 大匙 Tbs


1.Soak the rice noodles in boiling hot water until the noodles are soft, approx. 8 minutes. Rinse the noodles with cold water. Drain and cut them into 6" segments.
2.Add 1 tbs of oil, the fried shallot and dried shrimps into a heated wok. Sauté until aromatic. Pour in the stock and bring it to a boil.
3.Add the rice noodles, salt and white pepper. When the soup is boiling again, turn the heat to low and cook for 50 minutes.
4.Top the rice noodle soup with diced celery.

黑白切 Assorted Taiwanese Cold Cut

材料 Ingredients
方型油豆腐 Squre fried tofu 4 塊 pc
松阪豬肉(腮幫肉) Pork Cheek 2 片 pc
豬大腸 Pig large intestine2 條 ea
醬油膏 Soy sauce paste1/4 杯 cup
嫩薑絲 Finely shredded young ginger2 大匙 Tbs
香菜 Cilantro 2 大匙 Tbs

1.依照 "處理大腸" 做法將大腸煮熟。油豆腐放進滾水中煮5分鐘去油味,撈出沖冷水。

1.Follow the instruction of "Handling Large Intestines" to prepare the large intestines. Cook the fried tofu in boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain the water and rinse the tofu under running water.
2.Follow the instruction of "Thick Rice Noodle Soup" above, add the friedtofu and large intestines at step 3 and cook with the rice noodles for 40 minutes. Then add the pork cheek and cook for another 10 minutes. If you are not cooking the rice noodle soup, boil a pot of water with 1 stalk of scallion, 2 slices of ginger, 1 tsp of salt and 2 tbs of rice wine. Cook the fried tofu and large intestines in the water until the intestines reach desired tenderness. Then add the pork cheek to cook for another 10 minutes.
3.Transfer the large intestines to a cutting board. Cut the intestine into small segments. Cut the pork cheek against the grain into thin slices. Cut each fried tofu into 4 pieces. Serve with cilantro, thin ginger strips and soy sauce paste.

最後更新 (Last Update): 11/02/2015
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