材料 Ingredients
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1. | 把辣子醬汁B部份 準備好。 |
2. | 黃椒,橘椒和洋蔥切成粗絲。洋菇去蒂切成厚片。紅辣椒去籽切成細絲。大蒜去皮切成薄片。青蔥切成小段。薑片切成細絲。 |
3. | 將魚片切成 2cm x 5cm小塊。用紙巾擦乾後將魚肉用基本醃料(淡) 醃 10 分鐘。 |
4. | 魚片加入一大匙太白粉拌勻。不沾平底鍋燒熱。加入2大匙油和魚片後用中火煎到魚片兩面金黃。熄火。 |
5. | 另將炒鍋燒熱。加入1大匙油,洋蔥,紅辣椒,蔥,薑和大蒜用中火炒香。再加入黃椒,橘椒,洋菇,魚片和辣子醬汁B料翻炒到醬汁變稠,大約2分鐘。 |

1. | Prepare the Chili Pepper Sauce Part B . |
2. | Cut the yellow pepper, orange pepper and onion into thick strips. Remove the stems from the mushrooms and cut them into thick slices. Deseed and julienne the chili peppers. Peel and slice the garlic. Cut the scallion into small segments. Finely julienne the ginger slices. |
3. | Cut the fish into 1"x2" cubes. Dry the fish with paper towels then marinate with the Light basic marinade for 10 minutes. |
4. | Mix the fish with 1 tbs of tapioca starch. Add 2 tbs of oil in a heated non-stick pan and pan-fry until golden brown on both sides. Turn the heat off. |
5. | Heat a wok. Add 1 tbs of oil, onion, red chili pepper, scallion, ginger and garlic and sauté until aromatic. Place in the yellow pepper, orange pepper, mushrooms, fish and the Chili Pepper Sauce. Stir fry until the sauce is thick, approx. 2 minutes. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 11/06/2015
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