龍鳳腿 Fish Cake On A Stick

材料 Ingredients
豬絞肉 Ground pork 1/4 磅 lb (113g)
肥絞肉 Ground pork fat1/4 磅 lb (113g)
魚漿 Fish paste 1-1/4 磅 lb (450g)
洋蔥細丁 Finely chopped onion 1 杯 cup
紅蘿蔔細丁 Finely grated carrot1/2 杯 cup
香菜莖丁 Minced cilantro stem 1/4 杯 cup
蔥粒 Diced scallion 1/4 杯 cup
台式醃料A部份 Taiwanese style marinade part A 1 份 portion
竹籤 Bamboo skewer 5 枝 ea
油 Cooking oil適量 Proper amount

1.將絞肉,肥肉,魚漿﹐洋蔥﹐紅蘿蔔,香菜莖,蔥粒和份台式醃料A部份(將配方裡的1大匙大蒜改為3大匙油蔥酥)放在攪拌機裡,裝上漿狀腳用中速攪拌2分鐘。如果沒有攪拌機則放到一個大盆內用多雙筷子順同一個方向攪拌均勻﹐再甩打 2分鐘。 (註:如果使用的魚漿是沒有調過味的,請增加鹽的份量。)
2.炸油燒熱到 250F (120C)。手沾油後取1/10的魚漿料整型成4cm粗條狀,再輕輕地放進油鍋用中小火炸熟 (龍鳳腿會膨脹浮在油上)。依樣將剩餘魚漿料做好。
4.食用時佐以 台灣小吃沾醬

1.Place the ground pork, pork fat, fish paste, onion, carrot, cilantro stems, scallion and the Taiwanese Marinade Part A (substitute 1 tbs. of garlic with 3 tbs. of fried shallot ) in a mixing bowl. Mix with a flat beater over medium speed for 2 minutes. If you don't have a mixer, use several chopsticks to stir the mixture in the same direction until smooth. Lift the mixture and throw it down with force. Repeat the throwing for 2 minutes. (Note: If the fish paste is unseasoned, add more salt).
2. Heat the oil to 250F (120C). Cover your palms with oil. Form 1/10 of the fish paste mixture into a 1.5" diameter tube shape then gently place it into the oil. Deep-fry the fish cake in medium-low heat until cooked completely (The fish cake expands and floats).Repeat this step for the remaining fish paste mixture.
3. Transfer the fried rolls onto paper towel to absorb excessive oil. Cut each bamboo skewer in half. Insert one skewer into each fried fish cake.
4. Serve with Taiwanese Dipping Sauce .

最後更新 (Last Update): 03/20/2016
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