材料 Ingredients
註: 蔘雞湯料理包中包括人參,甘草,黃芪,紅棗,板栗,刺楸,刺五加和石龍尾。
Note: The Herb Kit includes Ginseng, Licorice root, Astragalus Membranceus, Jujube, Chestnut, Kapanax, Acanthopanax and Sessilflores.
1. | 圓糯米浸泡在水裡至少2個小時。將零碎的草藥裝在棉袋裡。 |
2. | 將雞屁股以及靠近脖子和屁股部位的肥油剪去。雞肚子裡塞進蒜片和3大匙糯米,開口用牙籤封起來再用棉線將雞腿交叉綁住。 |
3. | 燒滾6杯水後放進蔘,紅棗和其它草藥用中小火煮10分鐘。 |
4. | 加入雞後讓湯再度煮滾。轉小火,加蓋煮30分鐘。熄火再燜20分鐘。 |
5. | 將雞,人參,紅棗轉移到一個陶鍋裡,移去棉線和牙籤。 |
6. | 將2大匙糯米,腰果,白芝麻和1/3杯水在果汁機裡打勻後倒進雞湯煮滾並撇去浮在湯上的渣滓和雞油。用大火將湯燒到剩4杯的份量,再將湯經由濾網倒進陶鍋內。最後撒上蔥花。食用時佐以芝麻椒鹽。 |

1. | Soak the glutinous rice in water for at least 2 hours. Place tiny loosen herb in a sachet. |
2. | Remove the chicken butt and the fat around the neck and butt. Stuff the chicken cavity with the garlic slices and 3 tbs. of glutinos rice. Seal the cavity opening with a tooth pick. Cross the chicken legs and tight with a piece of cotton twine. |
3. | Boil 6 cups of water in a soup pot. Add the ginseng, jujube and other herbs and cook over medium-low heat for 10 minutes. |
4. | Add the chicken and bring the soup to a boil. Turn the heat to low, cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Turn off the heat and sit for another 20 minutes. |
5. | Transfer the chicken, ginseng and jujube to a clay pot. Remove the cotton twine and tooth pick from the chicken. |
6. | Puree 2 tbs. of glutinous rice, cashew nuts, sesame seeds and 1/2 cup of water in a blender. Add the puree to the soup and bring the soup to a boil. Skim off the foams and oil on top of the soup. Continue to cook the soup until it is reduced to 4 cups. Pour the soup though a strainer to the clay pot and sprinkle with minced scallion. Serve with Pepper Salt with Sesame Seeds. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 06/30/2018
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