花生芝麻沾醬 Peanut Sesame Dipping Sauce

芝麻醬 Sesame paste 2 大匙 Tbs
花生醬 Peanut butter3 大匙 Tbs
醬油 Soy sauce 2 大匙 Tbs
檸檬汁 Lemon juice 2 大匙 Tbs
番茄醬 Katchup 1 大匙 Tbs
麻油 Sesame oil 1 大匙 Tbs
米酒 Rice wine 1 大匙 Tbs
柴魚湯頭 Bonito soup base 1 杯 cup
洋蔥 Onion1/2 個 each
大蒜 Garlic 3 瓣 clove

Puree the onion, garlic & bonito stock in a blender or food processor. Pour the mixture through a strainer. Discard the onion and garlic and reserve the juice. Mix the onion garlic juice with other ingredients well.
