Stir-fried Rice Vermicelli
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1. | Boil enough water to cover the rice vermicelli. Place the rice vermicelli in the water; cover and let it sit for 5 minutes. Drain the water and cut the rice vermicelli roughly. |
2. | Mix the pork with Basic Marinade (Dark) for 15 minutes. |
3. | Prepare the Fried Noodle Sauce. |
4. | Add 2 tbs. of oil and beaten eggs in a heated wok. Scramble the eggs until 80% done. Set the eggs aside. |
5. | Place 2 tbs. of oil and pork in the same wok. Sauté until the pork is 90% done. Set the pork aside. |
6. | Place 1 tbs. of oil, shiitake mushroom and dried shrimp in the same wok. Sauté until aromatic. Add the cabbage, carrot, celery and part A from the Fried Noodle Sauce. Sauté until the cabbage starts turning soft. Set the mixture aside. |
7. | Place 2 tbs. of oil and onion to the same wok; sauté until aromatic. Lay the rice vermicelli evenly on the bottom of the wok and cook over medium heat for 2 minutes. Add part B from the Fried Noodle Sauce and 1/2 cup of water; stir until all vermicelli noodles are colored from the sauce. |
8. | At last mix in the cooked pork and vegetables. Stir until well combined. |

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1. | 米粉泡在滾水裡,水要高過米粉。蓋上蓋子燜5分鐘。濾乾水份後用剪刀略為剪一下。 |
2. | 豬肉絲與 基本醃料(濃)拌勻後醃15分鐘。 |
3. | 準備炒麵醬汁。 |
4. | 炒鍋燒熱後加入2大匙油和蛋液炒碎至8分熟。盛出備用。 |
5. | 原炒鍋加入2大匙油和肉絲炒到9分熟。盛出備用。 |
6. | 原炒鍋加入1大匙油,香菇和蝦米炒香。再放進包心菜,胡蘿蔔,芹菜和炒麵醬汁A部份。翻炒至包心菜開始變軟。盛出備用。 |
7. | 原炒鍋加入2大匙油和洋蔥炒香。放進米粉攤平後,用中小火煎2分鐘。倒入炒麵醬汁B部份和1/2杯水拌炒至米粉著色。 |
8. | 最後加入上述炒好的配料,翻炒均勻即可。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 10/06/2020
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