材料 Ingredients
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1. | 將蝦用水沖洗後抽掉砂腸﹐確定所有的黏液都沖洗掉。用紙巾將蝦擦得非常乾這樣炒的蝦才會脆。蝦仁如果比較大﹐橫向切成兩片。將蝦仁用基本醃料(淡)醃15分鐘。 |
2. | 將叉燒肉切成小丁。生菜洗乾淨,濾乾後切成細絲。 |
3. | 依照炒飯基本準備好材料。 |
4. | 炒鍋燒熱後加入1大匙和蝦仁炒至蝦仁7分熟。加入叉燒翻炒1分鐘後盛出放在一旁。 |
5. | 原炒鍋加入3大匙油和蛋,將蛋炒散。倒入米飯繼續炒到蛋呈金黃色而飯米粒都鬆散開來。加入蝦仁,叉燒,炒飯基本料中的B材料和蔥花炒勻。 |
6. | 最後拌入生菜絲即可起鍋。 |

1. | Wash and devein the shrimp. Make sure that all the mucus on the shrimp is gone. Thoroughly dry the shrimp with paper towels. If too large, cut the shrimp in half. Marinate the shrimp with the Light Basic Marinade. |
2. | Dice the char-siu pork. Wash, drain and shred the iceberg lettuce. |
3. | Follow the instruction of "Fried Rice Basics" to prepare the ingredients.. |
4. | Add 1 tbs. of oil and shrimp to a heated wok and sauté until the shrimp is about 70% done. Add the diced char-siu pork and sauté for another minute. Take out the mixture and put it aside. |
5. | Add 3 tbs. of oil and egg to the same wok. Scramble the egg. Add the rice and stir until the egg is golden brown and the rice is loose without any clumps. Place in shrimp, char-siu pork, the ingredients B from the Fried Rice Basic Ingredients and minced scallion. Stir-fry until well combined. |
6. | Mix in the shredded lettuce and serve hot. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/27/2020
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