材料 Ingredients
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1. | 將碎餅乾,美奶滋,蛋,辣醬油,法式芥末醬,檸檬汁,大蒜粉,鹽,胡椒和辣椒粉在一個碗裡拌勻。再加入蟹肉和蔥末拌勻。動作要輕以免將蟹肉攪碎。 |
2. | 把蟹肉分成四份,沾上麵包粉,整型成8cm直徑,1cm厚圓餅狀。 |
3. | 燒熱不沾平底鍋,加入油後放進蟹餅。用中小火將兩面煎至金黃,每面約4分鐘。 |
4. | 將春季菜葉与基本油醋汁拌勻後裝盤,再裝上蟹餅。 |

1. | Blend the crushed crackers, mayonnaise, egg, Worcestershire sauce, Dijon mustard, lemon juice, garlic powder, salt, white pepper and paprika in a bowl. Stir in the crab meat and minced scallions and gently mix. Try not to break the crap lumps. |
2. | Divide the crab mixture into 4 portions. Form each into a 3" dia., ½" thick cake. |
3. | Add ½ cup of oil in a heated non-stick pan. Gently place in the crab cakes. Pan-fry in medium-low heat until golden brown on both sides, approx. 4 minutes on each side. |
4. | Mix the Basic Vinaigrette with the spring mix. Serve the crab cakes with the spring mix salad. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 01/21/2014
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