材料 Ingredients
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1. | 將蝦仁,干貝和雞片用基本醃料(淡)醃10分鐘。 |
2. | 依照炒飯基本準備好材料。 |
3. | 3大匙油在炒鍋裡燒熱後加入蛋炒碎。倒入米飯繼續炒到蛋呈金黃色而飯米粒都鬆散開來,然後加入鹽和胡椒調味。最後再拌入蔥花炒1分鐘後盛出裝盤。 |
4. | 準備 蠔油醬汁,配方中的芡粉改成1大匙。 |
5. | 燒滾2/3鍋水。放進蘆筍和紅蘿蔔片川燙1分鐘後撈出放在一旁備用。 |
6. | 轉小火讓水降溫。放進蝦仁,干貝和雞片泡至半熟,撈出濾乾放在一旁備用。 |
7. | 炒鍋燒熱後加入蠔油醬汁A料,香菇和叉燒肉炒香。注入3/4杯的水和蠔油醬汁B料燒滾。待醬汁變濃稠後加入蝦,干貝,雞,蘆筍和紅蘿蔔片翻炒1分鐘。將炒好的餡料淋在炒飯上,趁熱食用。 |

1. | Marinate the shrimp, scallop and chicken with the Basic Marinade (Light) for 10 minutes. |
2. | Follow the instruction of "Fried Rice Basics" to prepare the ingredients. |
3. | Heat 3 tbs. of oil in a wok until very hot then add the beaten egg and scramble. Place in the rice and stir until the egg is golden brown and the rice is loose without any clumps. Mix in the salt and pepper for seasoning. Add the scallion and stir-fry for 1 minute. Plate the fried rice and set it aside. |
4. | Prepare the Oyster Sauce. Change the corn starch to 1 tbs. |
5. | Boil 2/3 pot of water. Blanch the asparagus and carrot slices for 1 minute. Set them aside. |
6. | Turn the heat to low. When the water cools down a little, add the shrimp, scallop and chicken. Cook until they are 50% done. Transfer the shrimp, scallop and chicken to a plate. |
7. | Add the part A from the Oyster Sauce, shiitake mushroom and char-siu pork to a heated wok. Sauté until aromatic. Place in 3/4 cup of water and the part B from the Oyster Sauce. Bring the mixture to a boil. Cook over medium heat until the sauce is thick then add the shrimp, scallop, chicken, asparagus and carrot and stir for 1 minute. Pour the mixture over the fried rice and serve immediately. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 09/07/2020
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