材料 Ingredients
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1. | 鍋燒熱後加入1大匙油和洋蔥炒至洋蔥變半透明。加入牛絞肉,1/3小匙鹽和1/8小匙黑胡椒炒熟。放在一旁待涼。 |
2. | 馬鈴薯洗乾淨後放進蒸籠蒸到叉子很容易插進去的程度,大約30分鐘。 |
3. | 撕去蒸好馬鈴薯的外皮,再用壓泥器或叉子背面將馬鈴薯在大盆裡壓碎,不需要壓到平滑。 加入炒好的洋蔥牛肉,1小匙鹽和1/4小匙黑胡椒拌勻。 |
4. | 將馬鈴薯泥等分成8份,每份整成1.5cm厚的橢圓餅或任何你喜歡的形狀。 |
5. | 準備麵包粉糊。 |
6. | 將每個馬鈴薯餅先裹上麵粉,再裹上蛋液,最後再裹上麵包粉。 |
7. | 油熱到330°F(165°C)度。輕輕地放入可樂餅炸到外皮金黃,炸時餅之間要有空間。炸好後放在紙巾上吸乾油份。 |
8. | 食用時佐以番茄醬﹐美奶滋或日式牛排醬。 |

1. | Add 1 tbs. of oil and onion to a heated pan. Sauté until the onion is translucent. Add the ground beef, 1/3 tsp. of salt and 1/8 tsp. of black pepper. Sauté until the beef is done. Set the pan aside to cool down. |
2. | Rinse the potatoes. Steam the potatoes until they are tender (a fork can easily poke through), approx. 30 minutes. |
3. | Peel the potatoes. Use a masher or the back of a fork to mash the potatoes until they become puree but not completely smooth. Add the onion/beef mixture, 1 tsp. of salt and 1/4 tsp. of black pepper and mix until combined. |
4. | Divide the potato puree into 8 equal portions. Form each portion into 1.5cm thick oval disk or any shape you like. |
5. | Prepare Bread Crumb Coating. |
6. | Coat each croquette with flour, then with eggs, finally with the bread crumbs. |
7. | Heat frying oil to 330°F(165°C). Gently place the croquette into the oil one by one. Be sure there is enough space among the croquettes. Transfer the croquettes onto paper towels to absorb excessive oil. |
8. | Serve the croquettes with ketchup, mayonnaise or Japanese tonkatsu sauce. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 09/15/2020
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