材料 Ingredients
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1. | 肥絞肉放進滾水內燙1分鐘以去除肉臊味。用濾網撈出,在用冷水下沖涼後濾乾。 |
2. | 大豆苗放進滾水裡燙1分鐘後轉移到冷水裡泡涼。擠乾水份後切碎。 |
3. | 將魚片放進冷凍庫凍到半硬(在冷凍狀態但切得動)。取出切成小丁。 |
4. | 準備 絞肉醃料(淡) 。 |
5. | 將魚,肥絞肉和絞肉醃料放進攪拌機。機器裝上槳狀腳,用中高速打到所有材料充分混合並呈黏稠狀。再加入大豆苗和干貝用低速拌勻。干貝要先用紙巾擦乾。如果沒有攪拌機,將所有材料放在大盆中,用多雙筷子用力攪拌。做好的餡料放進冰箱冰至少30分鐘。 |
6. | 準備水晶皮。這個食譜的餡料大概可以包50個,因此將水晶皮配方裡的澄粉和地瓜粉各改為200g,水改為400g,油改為1.5大匙。將粉團分切成15克的小塊,每塊揉圓後再用菜刀壓成圓薄片。 |
7. | 取18克餡料置於皮中心,將粉皮對折捏緊成半圓型,再將半月兩個尖端拉向一起捏緊(見下圖)。將剩餘的餡和皮依樣包好。 |
8 | 蒸籠裡水燒開,蒸盤底部鋪上濕巾或不沾黏烘培紙。將豆苗干貝魚餃放進蒸籠加蓋用大火蒸10分鐘。趁熱食用。 |

1. | Blanch the ground pork fat in boiling water for 1 minute to remove unpleasant smell. Take out the ground fat with a strainer. Rinse the fat with cold water then drain. |
2. | Blanch the pea tips in boiling water for 1 minute. Transfer the pea tips to ice cold water and soak until completely cool down. Squeeze water out of pea tips then chop them into small dices. |
3. | Store the fish in a freezer until semi-frozen (You have no problem cutting through the fish, but the fish is still mostly frozen). Cut the fish into small dices. |
4. | Prepare Ground Meat Marinade (Light) . |
5. | Install a flat beater attachment to the mixer. Place the fish, pork fat, and Ground Meat Marinade in the bowl of a mixer. Mix over medium-high speed until all the ingredients are combined and sticky. Pat the scallops dry with paper towels. Place the pea tips and scallops into the bowl and mix over low speed until combined. If you don't have a mixer, use several chopsticks to stir the mixture vigorously. Store the filing in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. |
6. | Prepare Crystal Dumpling Wrappers. The filling in this recipe can make 50 dumplings, so change the weight of wheat starch and sweet potato starch to 200g respectively, change the weight of water to 400g, and change the oil to 1.50 tbs. Cut the dough into 15 grams pieces. Roll each piece into a ball then press it with a Chinese cleaver knife into a thin round wrapper. |
7. | Place 18g of the filling on the center of a wrapper. Lift one edge over the filling to the other side to form a half-moon shape and pinch to seal. Pinch the two ends of half-moon together for form a dumpling (see photos above). Repeat this step for the rest of the dough and filling. |
8. | Boiling the water in a steamer. Cover the bottom of the steamer with a wet towel or parchment paper. Place the dumplings in the steamer and steam for 10 minutes. Serve hot. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 09/09/2020
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