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1. | Prepare Ponzu Shoyu and Grated Daikon/Ginger. Add the grated daikon/ginger and scallion to the ponzu shoyu and mix. |
2. | Rinse the fish and pat it dry with paper towels. Fillet the fish and cut it into 4 pieces. Reserve the fish head and collar for miso soup. Marinate the fish fillet with sake for 15 minutes. Spared 1/4 tsp. of salt all over the fish. |
3. | Cut off the stem of each mushroom. On top of each mushroom make two shallow bias cuts in the middle to form a V shape line. Repeat to make two more V lines so the three lines will cross as a star "*". |
4. | Cut each slice with a plum flower shape cutter. Make slits between each pedals. Then cut out small wedges at a 15 degree angle above each slit. |
5. | Blanch spinach in boiling water for 1 minute; rinse under cold water; squeeze dry. |
6. | Blanch kombu in boiling water for 1 minute. |
7. | Prepare 4 deep dishes or bowls. For each dish, lay 1 piece of kombu on the bottom; arrange 2 pieces of tofu, 1 fish fillet, 2 slices of carrot and 1 shiitake mushroom around the dish. Steam the dishes over high heat for 7 minutes. Add spinach to each dish and steam for another minute. |
8. | Serve the dish with the dipping sauce made on step 1. |

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1. | 準備日式柑橘醬油和蘿蔔薑泥。將蘿蔔薑泥和蔥花拌入柑橘醬油即為沾醬。 |
2. | 魚洗乾淨後擦乾。卸下兩片魚肉,每片再對切成兩片。剩下的魚頭和下巴可以煮味增湯。將魚片用清酒醃15分鐘後撒上1/4鹽抹勻。 |
3. | 香菇剪去硬蒂,在每朵的表面上切出三條交集成米字型的刻痕。 |
4. | 胡蘿蔔用模型壓成花型。用小刀在花瓣間各切一刀至厚度的一半,然後在每個刀口旁以15˚切出斜角。將蘿蔔片放進滾水裡燙5分鐘,取出放在一旁備用。 |
5. | 菠菜在滾水裡燙1分鐘,用冷水沖涼後擠乾備用。 |
6. | 昆布在滾水裡燙1分鐘,取出備用。 |
7. | 準備4個深盤或碗,每盤底鋪1片昆布,上放兩塊豆腐,1片魚,2片胡蘿蔔和1朵香菇。放進蒸籠裡用大火蒸8分鐘,在最後1分鐘時加入菠菜到盤裡蒸熱。 |
8. | 食用時沾步驟1中的醬汁。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 10/26/2020
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