Hiyashi Chuka (Japanese Cold Ramen)
Note: You also can use kamabogo, ham, crab, shredded lettuce...etc.
1. | Cover crab sticks with wet paper towels. Microwave the crab sticks for 40 seconds. Cut each stick lengthwise into 4 strips then cut all stips in half. |
2. | Cut the English cucumber into matchsticks. Cut each tomato into 8 wedges. |
3. | Beat 2 eggs with 1 tsp. of soy sauce and 1 tsp. of mirin in a small bowl. Add the egg to a non-stick pan, Lightly shake the pan to make the egg distribute evenly. Pan-fry over medium-low heat until the edge of the egg turns golden brown. Turn off the heat. Flip the egg over and let the remaining heat cook the egg through. Once the egg cools a little, cut it into thin strips. |
4. | Marinate the prawns with 1 tsp. of sake and 1/4 tsp. of salt for 10 minutes. Boil a half pot of water then turn the heat to low. Add the prawns and cook until they are done. Set the prawns aside. |
5. | Bring the water in the same pot to a boil. Turn off the heat. Add the noodles to the pot and stir until they are loose. Drain the water and rinse the noodles under cold water. If your tap water is not safe to drink, please use boiled water to rinse the noodles. |
6. | Mix all the ingredients in Ramen Dressing in a bowl until the sugar is dissolved. |
7. | Place some noodles in a bowl, arrange the toppings over the noodles, then pour proper amount of the ramen dressing in the bowl. Mix all the ingredients while eating. |

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1. | 把濕紙巾覆蓋煮蟹棒,放進微波爐微40秒。每根蟹棒直切成四條,再橫向對切。 |
2. | 黃瓜切成火柴棒粗條,蕃茄每個切成8瓣。 |
3. | 2個蛋加1小匙醬油和1小匙味霖打散。將蛋液倒入燒熱的不沾平底鍋,輕輕地晃動鍋子讓蛋分佈均勻。用中小火煎到蛋的邊緣開始變成金黃色後熄火。翻面用餘溫將蛋燜熟。等蛋皮稍涼時切成絲。 |
4. | 蝦仁用1小匙清酒和1/4小匙鹽醃10分鐘。燒滾1/2鍋水,轉小火後放進蝦仁煮到熟。撈出蝦仁備用。 |
5. | 原鍋的水再度煮滾後熄火。放進熟拉麵用筷子攪散後濾乾水份並用冷水沖涼。如果你的自來水不適合生飲,請用煮過的水。 |
6. | 將涼麵拌醬的所有材料在碗裡調到糖完全溶化。 |
7. | 將拉麵盛到碗裡,上放各式餡料,最後再淋上適量醬汁。食用時將所有材料拌勻。 |

最後更新 (Last Update):10/09/2020
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