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1. | Blanch snow peas in boiling water for 30 seconds. Transfer them into cold water to cool down. |
2. | Cook Shirataki noodles in boiling water for 1 minute. Drain the water and set the noodles aside. |
3. | Add 1 tbs. of oil and beef to a heated pot; sauté until the beef is done. Set the beef aside. Use a paper towel to wipe off most of the oil in the pan; leave 1 tbs. of oil in the pot. |
4. | Place the onion in the pot and sauté until aromatic. Stir in potato and carrot. |
5. | Add the Bonito Sauce and bring the mixture to a boil. Skim off any foams and particles on the surface. |
6. | Add beef and Shirataki noodles. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes, or until the potato reaches desired tenderness. |
7. | Turn off the heat. Mix in snow peas and serve immediately. |

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1. | 把荷蘭豆放進滾水裡川燙30秒,撈出在冷水裡漂涼。 |
2. | 蒟蒻在滾水裡煮1分鐘。濾乾水份後放在一旁備用。 |
3. | 鍋燒熱後加入1大匙油和牛肉用中火炒熟,夾出牛肉備用。用紙巾將鍋裡油水擦拭到只剩1大匙。 |
4. | 放進洋蔥炒香。加入馬鈴薯和胡蘿蔔翻炒數下。 |
5. | 倒入柴魚燒煮汁煮滾,撇去浮在表面的泡沫渣滓。 |
6. | 加入牛肉和魔芋絲拌勻。加蓋用小火煮15分鐘,或煮到馬鈴薯達到你喜歡的軟度。 |
7. | 熄火,拌入荷蘭豆即可。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 11/15/2020
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