Shrimp & Bean Vermicelli Pot
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1. | For the shrimps, twist off the head; cut the back open and devein; trim off the shrimp legs and remove the sharp spike on the tail. |
2. | Soak the bean vermicelli in warm water until soft. Cut the vermicelli into 10cm/4" segments. |
3. | Place 2 tbs. of oil and shrimp heads in a heated pan; cook over medium heat until red on both sides. Add 2 cups of water and bring the mixture to a boil. Turn the heat to low and cook for 15 minutes. While cooking, press each shrimp with a spatula to release shrimp hepatopancreas. Pour the stock through a strainer into a bowl; discard the heads. |
4. | Add 2 tbs. of oil and shrimps to the same pan. Cook over medium heat until red on both sides - do not cook through. Set the shrimps aside. |
5. | Add 2 tbs. of oil, garlic, ginger and Sha-Cha Sauce to the same pan; sauté until aromatic. Place in the bean vermicelli, shrimp stock and 1/2 tsp. of salt; bring the stock to a boil. After the vermicelli becomes soft, turn off the heat. Pour everything in the pan into a clay pot. |
6. | Arrange the shrimps around the pot. Cover and cook over medium-low heat for 3 minutes. Add rice wine through the lid and cook for another minute. Remove the lid and sprinkle with minced scallion. |

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1. | 卸下每隻蝦的蝦頭。剪開蝦背,抽出泥腸。再剪除蝦腳和尾巴的尖刺。 |
2. | 粉絲用溫水泡軟後剪成10cm/4"小段。 |
3. | 鍋燒熱,放進2大匙油和蝦頭用中火將兩面煎紅。注入2杯水煮滾後轉小火煮15分鐘,煮時用鍋鏟將蝦膏擠出來。將湯經由濾網倒入碗裡,丟棄蝦頭。 |
4. | 原鍋加入2大匙油和蝦身,用中火將兩面煎紅但不要煎熟。盛出蝦子備用。 |
5. | 原鍋加入2大匙油,蒜末,薑末和沙茶醬汁炒香。加入粉絲,蝦高湯和1/2小匙鹽煮滾。待粉絲軟化後熄火,整鍋倒入砂鍋內。 |
6. | 將蝦排列在粉絲上,蓋上用中小火煮3分鐘。從蓋子上淋下米酒後再煮1分鐘。掀去蓋子後撒上蔥花即可。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 11/18/2020
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