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Note: The weight ratio of flour, water and mountain yam is 1:1:0.5. Cake flour can be replaced with all-purpose flour. For more filling options, please refer to Takoyaki fillings/toppings.
1. | Sift the flour, salt and baking powder together into a big bowl. Add mountain yam and bonito stock; gentle mix until combined - do not over mix. |
2. | Cover the batter and let it sit in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. |
3. | Transfer 1/4 of the batter to a bowl; add one egg, 1/4 of the cabbage, shrimp and calamari and mix well. Make the pancake right away otherwise the batter will be diluted by the water released from the cabbage and seafood. |
4. | Add 2 tbs. of oil to a heated non-stick pan. Place the batter from step 3 in the pan and cook over medium-low heat for 3 minutes. Use two spatulas to form the batter into round shape. Lay 4 slices of pork on top of the batter. |
5. | Turn the pancake over; cover and cook until the bottom is golden brown, approx. 4 minutes. Uncover and turn the pancake again; continue to cook for 3 minutes then transfer it onto a plate. |
6. | Spread Okonomiyaki Sauce or Tonkatsu Sauce over the pancake; add mayonnaise in zigzag lines then sprinkle with dried seaweed powder, dried bonito flakes and minced scallion. |
7. | Repeat step 4-6 for the remaining ingredients. This receipt can make four Okonomiyaki. |

關西風御好燒 (大阪燒)
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註: 麵粉和水和山藥的重量比例是 1:1:0.5。麵粉也可以使用中筋麵粉。更多內餡請參考章魚燒內餡/配料。
1. | 將麵粉,鹽,泡打大粉過篩到碗裡,加入山藥和柴魚湯頭輕輕攪拌均勻,不要過度攪拌。 |
2. | 做好的麵糊加蓋放進冰箱靜置至少30分鐘。 |
3. | 取1/4麵糊到一個大碗裡,再加入1顆蛋,1/4的高麗菜,蝦仁和花枝拌勻。拌完後要馬上煎,以免蔬菜和海鮮出水而稀釋了麵糊。 |
4. | 加入2大匙油到不沾平底鍋。將拌好的麵糊倒入鍋內用中小火煎3分鐘,煎時用鏟子將麵糊整成圓型。取4片肉鋪在麵團上。 |
5. | 將麵團翻面,加蓋用煎到底部呈金黃色,大約4分鐘。打開蓋子將麵團再度翻麵,繼續煎3分鐘後盛出裝盤。 |
6. | 大阪燒上塗滿御好燒醬也可以用(炸豬排沾醬)替代,然後以之字形方式擠上美奶滋,再撒上海苔粉,柴魚屑和蔥花。 |
7. | 重複步驟4-6將剩餘的材料做完,共可做4個大阪燒。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 12/21/2020
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