Taiyaki (Fish-shaped Cake)
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Note: Please refer to Sweet Fillings for more filling options. Nutella or Cheese filling are popular too.
1. | Sift flour, baking powder and baking soda together into a mixing bowl. |
2. | Whisk the egg and sugar in another bowl until the sugar is dissolved. Add the milk and mix well. |
3. | Add the milk mixture to the flour and gently whisk until combined. Mix in 1 tbs. of oil. |
4. | Cover the batter and let it sit in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. |
5. | Heat the taiyaki pan and grease with little oil. |
6. | Turn off the heat. Fill the mold with batter until 60% full. Spoon 2 tbs. of Adzuki Bean Sauce on the center of the fish body. Add more batter to cover the filling and fill up the mold. |
7. | Cover the pan and turn it immediately. Cook over low heat until the bottom is golden brown, approx. 2.5 minutes. Turn the pan over and cook until this side of bottom is golden brown too, approx. another 2.5 minutes. Open the pan during cooking to check the coloring so you can adjust the cooking time. |
8. | Repeat steps 5-7 for the rest of batter and filling. This recipe can make 8 taiyaki. Cool the cakes on a wire rack. Trim off any unwanted part with a pair of scissors. |

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註: 請參考甜餡有更多的內餡選擇。能多益醬(Nutella)或起司也是受歡迎的內餡。
1. | 先將麵粉,泡打粉和蘇打粉過篩到大碗裡。 |
2. | 另一個碗裡放進雞蛋和糖,一起打到糖溶化後加入牛奶拌勻。 |
3. | 將步驟2的液體倒入麵粉裡輕輕攪拌均勻。最後加入1大匙油拌勻。 |
4. | 做好的麵糊加蓋放進冰箱裡靜置至少30分鐘。 |
5. | 將鯛魚燒模盤燒熱後抹上些許油。 |
6. | 熄火,倒入麵糊到6分滿。加入2大匙紅豆餡在魚身中間後再舀些麵糊蓋住餡料並填滿模洞。 |
7. | 蓋上蓋子並馬上翻面,用小火烤到呈金黃色,大約2.5分鐘。翻面再烤2.5分鐘。烤時可打開檢查上色情形以調整烤的時間。 |
8. | 重複步驟5-7把剩餘的麵糊和餡料做完,這個配方可做8個。烤好的鯛魚燒放在網架上待涼。魚身若有多餘的麵糊,可以用剪刀修除。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 12/19/2020
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