Orange Marmalade
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1. | Brush the oranges with running water. Peel the oranges and scrape off the remaining withe part on the peels with the tip of a knife. Cut the peels into thin strips. Rub the peels with 1/2 tsp. of salt for 1 minute; rinse then drain the water. |
2. | Cut off the two ends of each orange and slice off the peel (remove all the white part). Section the oranges between membranes. Cut the orange fleshes into small pieces. |
3. | Disinfect the glass jar and lid in boiling water for 5 minutes. Transfer the jar and lid onto a rack and let them cool down. You can also disinfect the jar and lid in a dish washer. |
4. | Place the orange fleshes, peels and sugar in a deep stainless steel pan and bring the mixture to a boil. Turn the heat to medium-low and continue to cook until the jam reach desired thickness - stir from time to time. If you are not sure if the jam is thick enough, turn the heat off and place a dab of jam in the fridge to test. Then you can decide to add more water or continue to cook. Adjust the sugar as desired. |
5. | Mix in the Grand mariner. Transfer the jam into the glass jar. Seal with the lid and turn the jar upside down until the jam cools completely. Store the jam in the fridge for up to 15 days after open. |

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1. | 柳橙刷洗乾淨。將柳橙皮削下來,用刀尖刮除殘留白色的部份後切成細絲。加1/2小匙鹽搓肉1分鐘後沖洗乾淨並濾乾。 |
2. | 柳橙兩頭切掉後去皮(白色部份要完全切除),順著白膜切出果肉,並將果肉切成小塊。 |
3. | 將裝果醬的容器和蓋子放進滾水裡煮5分鐘。取出容器放在架子上待涼。也可以用洗碗機高溫消毒。 |
4. | 柳橙果肉,果皮連糖倒進深底的平底不鏽鋼鍋,用大火煮滾。轉中小火,繼續煮到醬汁達到你要的稠度,當中要不時攪動。在煮到一定程度時﹐可以先關火﹐舀出一小匙放入冰箱急速冷卻﹐看看果醬的黏度再決定要加水還是繼續煮。糖的份量可用依自己的喜好以及水果的酸度自行調整。 |
5. | 最後加入橙酒拌勻。裝入玻璃容器,蓋緊瓶蓋後將瓶子倒過來直到果醬冷卻後再倒回來。儲藏在冰箱裡,開封後可保存到15天。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 02/26/2021
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