Cantonese Roasted Duck
1. | Mix the dry rub ingredients and wet marinade ingredients in a bowl respectively. |
2. | Cut off the duck feet and wing tips; remove excessive fat neat the tail. Rinse the duck and pat dry with paper towels, especially inside of the duck. |
3. | Spread the dry rub all over the cavity of the duck. Pour in wet marinade and massage the marinade into the cavity of the duck. Stuff the duck with the scallion, ginger and star anise. Seal the tail opening with a bamboo skewer. |
4. | Put the tip of a ball pump through the duck neck cavity and pump air underneath the duck skin to inflate both sides of the duck. Once the duck skin is raised up, seal the neck cavity with a bamboo skewer. |
5. | Boil a big pot of water with 2 tbs. of baking soda. Dip the duck in the water for 3 seconds then lift it up for 4 seconds. Repeat this step for three times. Be sure that every part of the duck is touched by the boiling water and tighten up. |
6. | In a small bowl, dissolve the glaze ingredients (maltose syrup, red vinegar, rice vinegar and rice wine) over hot water. Brush the mixture all over the duck skin. Repeat the brushing two more times. |
7. | Place the duck on a rack over a baking pan. Dry the duck in the fridge for at least 12 hours. You also can hang the duck and let it air dry. |
8. | Remove the duck from the fridge and let it return to room temperature. Preheat the oven to 395°F(200°C). Place a tray of boiling water at the bottom of the oven. Wrap the ends of duck legs and drums with foil to keep them from burning. |
9. | Roast the duck on the middle rack for 30 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 350°F(175°C) and roast for another 25 minutes. |
10. | Remove the duck from the oven and let it rest for 10 minutes. Remove the bamboo skewers and pour the juice inside the cavity into a bowl. Trim off the duck tail; cut the duck open and remove the ginger, scallion and star anise then cut into pieces to serve. |

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1. | 將乾醃料和濕醃料分別在兩個小碗裡調勻。 |
2. | 剁掉鴨腳和鴨中翅,並除去尾部多餘的脂肪。沖洗乾淨後用紙巾將內部擦乾。 |
3. | 將乾醃料均勻塗抹在鴨子內部,再抹入濕醃料。塞入蔥,薑和八角後,用竹籤將尾部縫密。 |
4. | 用打氣泵從鴨頭皮肉交接處灌氣,讓鴨皮膨脹。將鴨頭開口處也用竹籤縫住。 |
5. | 煮滾2/3大鍋後加入2大匙小蘇打粉。將雞放進滾水內燙6秒,提起來等4秒,如此重複3次,這樣可避免風乾時出油。要確定每個部位都有燙到,皮有縮緊。 |
6. | 小炒鍋裝1吋水高的煮滾煮滾。將塗料裝在小碗裡,隔熱水調勻。把塗料均勻地刷在鴨表面,每個地方都要刷到,總共刷3次。 |
7. | 將烤鴨放在烤架,再放在烤盤上。放進冰箱冷藏至少12個小時。也可以將烤鴨吊起來風乾。 |
8. | 取出烤鴨讓其恢復到室溫。烤箱預熱到395°F(200°C)。將鴨腿尾端和鴨嘴用錫箔紙包起來以免燒焦。 |
9. | 烤箱底部放一盤滾水。將鴨放進烤箱中層烤30分鐘。降溫到350°F(175°C)再烤25分鐘。 |
10. | 取出烤鴨靜置10分鐘以鎖住肉汁。移出竹籤後倒出鴨肚子裡的醬汁,剪去雞屁股。切開鴨子取出蔥薑和八角,再切成小塊後裝盤。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 06/06/2021
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