材料 Ingredients
1. | 參考腰子處理 將豬腰切成腰花。紅蘿蔔去皮切成 5cm細絲。芹菜切成 5cm細條。 |
2. | 燒開 ½鍋的水。另外準備一鍋帶冰塊的水。 |
3. | 將椒麻涼拌醬準備好。 |
4. | 將紅蘿蔔和芹菜絲放進滾水中燙 30 秒後撈出放進冰水內。 |
5. | 將腰花放進滾水中燙到沒有血水﹐約 2 分鐘。撈出放進冰水內。 |
6. | 將紅蘿蔔﹐芹菜和腰花濾乾。加入椒麻涼拌汁拌勻﹐放進冰箱保存至少1個小時使其入味。 |

1. | Refer to Handling Kidneys to clean and cut the kidneys. Peel and cut the carrot into 2" juliennes. Cut the celery into 5cm thin strips. |
2. | Bring a half-full pot of water to a boil. Also prepare a big bowl of cold water with ice. |
3. | Prepare the Pepper & Chili Dressing ready. |
4. | Place the carrot and celery in the boiling water for 30 seconds and shock them in the ice water. |
5. | Place the kidney slices into the boiling water and cook until there is no more blood water, approx 2 minutes. Immediately transfer the kidneys into the ice water. |
6. | Drain the water when the carrot, celery and kidney completely cool down. Mix them with the Pepper & Chili Dressing and store in a refrigerator for at least one hour. Serve cold. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/17/2013 :)
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