抹茶冰淇淋 Matcha (Green Tea) Ice Cream

材料 Ingredients
對半奶油 Half-and-Half2杯 cup
蛋黃 Egg Yolk3個(大) large
白糖 Granulated sugar1/2杯 cup
抹茶粉 Mocha powder2大匙 Tbs
鮮奶油 Heavy cream1杯 cup

4.開中小火煮到蛋奶液變得濃稠可以覆蓋住湯匙,大約10分鐘 - 要不時攪拌。

1.Cook the half-and-half in a double boiler until there are small bubbles on the edges, but not boiling.
2.Beat the egg yolks with sugar in a small bowl until the color becomes light yellow.
3.Ladle 1/2 cup of half-and-half into the egg yolk mixture and mix well. Pour the egg mixture into the double boiler.
4.Cook the custard over medium low heat until the mixture is thick enough to coat a wooden spoon, approx. 10 minutes - stir frequently.
5.Add the mocha powder and stir until combined.
6.Pour the mixture through a strainer into a bowl. Set it aside to cool down to room temperature. You can also put the bowl on a ice bed and stir to speed up the cooling process.
7.Mix in 1 cup of heavy cream. Cover the bowl and store it in the fridge until chilled through, at least 3 hours.
8.Place the mixture in a ice cream maker. Churn and make the ice cream by following the manufacturer's instruction. Transfer the ice cream to an airtight container and store in the freezer for at least 3 hours before serve. Suggested topping: Red Bean Sauce

最後更新 (Last Update): 07/30/2018
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