材料 Ingredients
1. | 對半奶油隔水(我用雙層鍋)煮到邊緣開始起小泡,但未燒滾。 |
2. | 將蛋黃和糖在碗裡打到顏色變成淡黃色。 |
3. | 舀1/2杯對半奶油到蛋裡拌勻後倒進鍋裡與對半奶油拌勻。 |
4. | 開中小火煮到蛋奶液變得濃稠可以覆蓋住湯匙,大約10分鐘 - 要不時攪拌。 |
5. | 加入抹茶粉攪拌拌勻。 |
6. | 將抹茶奶油經由濾網倒入一個大盆,放在一旁待涼(也可以放在冰塊上攪拌加速冷卻)。 |
7. | 等到冷卻到室溫後拌進1杯鮮奶油。放到冰箱冷藏到完全冰透,至少3個小時。 |
8. | 將抹茶奶油放進冰淇淋機依照指示做成冰淇淋。隨後裝到一個密閉容器內再放進冷凍庫冰至少3個小時後再食用。建議與紅豆醬一起食用。 |

1. | Cook the half-and-half in a double boiler until there are small bubbles on the edges, but not boiling. |
2. | Beat the egg yolks with sugar in a small bowl until the color becomes light yellow. |
3. | Ladle 1/2 cup of half-and-half into the egg yolk mixture and mix well. Pour the egg mixture into the double boiler. |
4. | Cook the custard over medium low heat until the mixture is thick enough to coat a wooden spoon, approx. 10 minutes - stir frequently. |
5. | Add the mocha powder and stir until combined. |
6. | Pour the mixture through a strainer into a bowl. Set it aside to cool down to room temperature. You can also put the bowl on a ice bed and stir to speed up the cooling process. |
7. | Mix in 1 cup of heavy cream. Cover the bowl and store it in the fridge until chilled through, at least 3 hours. |
8. | Place the mixture in a ice cream maker. Churn and make the ice cream by following the manufacturer's instruction. Transfer the ice cream to an airtight container and store in the freezer for at least 3 hours before serve. Suggested topping: Red Bean Sauce |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/30/2018
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