(Gua-Bao) Pork Belly Buns
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1. | Divide the dough into 16 equal pieces (approx. 60g per piece). Form each piece to a ball. Cover the dough balls with a piece of plastic food wrap and rest for 10 minutes. |
2. | Roll out one dough ball into an oval disk; brush the surface with a thin layer of oil then fold it in half. Repeat this step for the rest of the dough. |
3. | Cover the bottom of the steamer with a wet towel, blanched vegetable leaves, or parchment paper. Place the dough pieces in the steamer. Cover and let them proof for 30 minutes. If the dough slowly bounces back after you gently press it, the proof is completed. |
4. | Wrap the steamer lid with a cloth (Skip this step if using a bamboo steamer). Steam with cold water over high heat. Once the water starts to boil, continue to steam for 10 minutes over medium heat. After 10 minutes, move the lid one inch to let the steam out and continue steaming for 3 minutes. Turn off the heat and shift the cover another inch. Wait for 10 minutes before opening the lid. |
5. | Take one bun and open it. Stuff the bun in the order of braised pork belly (one slice), sautéed suan-cai (as desired), sweetened peanut powder (1 tbs.) and cilantro (as desired). |

刈包 (虎咬豬)
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1. | 麵團等分成12份(每份約60克)。每份揉成小球後用保潔膜蓋住醒10分鐘。 |
2. | 取一小麵團壓扁後擀成橢圓片,表面刷上薄薄一層食用油後對折。將剩餘麵團依樣做好。 |
3. | 蒸籠內鋪上濕巾,燙過的菜葉,或不沾黏烘培紙。將刈包放進蒸籠,蓋上蓋子後在溫暖處發酵30分鐘。用手指輕壓,若痕跡慢慢恢復即是發酵完成。 |
4. | 蒸籠蓋用布包好(如用竹籠則免)。從冷水蒸起,等聽到水滾聲後轉中火蒸10分鐘。10分鐘過後,將鍋蓋打開一個3公分小縫,再蒸3分鐘。火關掉後,將鍋蓋縫再開大一點。等10分鐘後再將鍋蓋整個掀開。 |
5. | 取一片刈包,打開依序放入一片爌肉,適量炒酸菜,一大匙花生粉及適量香菜。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 03/16/2021
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