Shabu Shabu (Japanese Hot Pot)
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1. | Arrange the vegetables, assorted mushrooms, tofu and yam noodles in a big plate. |
2. | Fill water in a clay pot (or soup pot) until 70% full. Put in the kombu and soak for at least 30 minutes. After, bring the water to a boil and remove the kombu once the water starts boiling. |
3. | While making the stock, prepare the Sesame Dressing and the Ponzu Soy Sauce. Usually people mix minced scallion with sesame dressing for meat and mix grated daikon/ginger and shichimi (or sansho powder) with Ponzu Soy Sauce for vegetables, tofu and mushrooms. |
4. | Use a pair of chopsticks to pick up a slice of beef and immerse it into the kombu stock; swish around until the meat is no longer pink. Remove the meat immediately to avoid overcooking it. Cook some of the other ingredients in the soup until done. Dip the cooked ingredients in the sauce you prefer. Keep adding the remaining ingredients to the pot when necessary. Use a mesh strainer to skim off any foam and tiny particles on the surface of the soup. |

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1. | 將蔬菜,菇類,豆腐和蒟蒻麵依你喜歡的方式擺盤。 |
2. | 土鍋(或湯鍋)加水到7分滿,放進昆布浸泡至少30分鐘。然後用中火煮到水快滾時取出昆布。 |
3. | 煮湯的同時準備芝麻拌醬和日式柑橘醬油。一般芝麻拌醬內放蔥花,適用於肉類。柑橘醬油內放蘿蔔薑泥,七味粉或山椒粉,適用於蔬菜,豆腐和菇類。 |
4. | 食用時用筷子夾肉在滾湯內涮幾下,顏色變白即刻取出,其它材料則放湯裡煮熟。煮熟的食材沾醬吃,邊煮邊吃,不時用濾網撇去浮在湯上的泡沫渣滓。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 11/28/2020
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