Zhi Ma Da Bing (Sesame Flatbread)
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1. | Prepare the Chinese Yeasted Dough, reduced the instant yeast in the recipe to 1.5 tsp.. |
2. | Mix the olive oil, sesame oil, flour, salt and ground white pepper in a small bowl. |
3. | Divide the proofed dough into 2 pieces, roll out each piece into a 30cm/12" dia. round disk. |
4. | Brush each dough disk with one layer of the mixed oil from step 2 and sprinkle with minced scallion. Gently roll the dough disk to push the minced scallion into the dough. |
5. | Make a 10cm/4" slit from the edge toward the center on one dough disk. Make another 10cm/4" slit from the edge towards the center that is 90˚ apart from the original cut. Divide the rest of the space (3/4th of the disk) into 5 equal parts (54˚ apart) and cut 4 more 10cm/4" slits (see photos below). |
Fold each of the 5 small sections (54˚ slices) into the center. Fold the largest (90˚ slice) over the center last. Form the dough into a round shape. | |
6. | Spread little oil on the bottom of a 8" pan. Add the dough to the pan; cover and rest for 15 minutes. |
7. | Remove the lid. Use your hands to stretch out the dough into an 8" round disk. Spread little water over the dough disk then sprinkle sesame seeds all over the dough. Turn the dough disk over so the side with sesame seeds is facing down. |
8. | Cover and cook over low heat for 8 minutes. Uncover and turn the dough over; cook over medium-low heat for 5 minutes. Turn the dough over again; continue cooking until the flatbread is done, approx. 3 minutes. |

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1. | 準備中式發麵麵團,麵團中的酵粉降為1.5小匙。 |
2. | 將橄欖油,麻油,麵粉,鹽和胡椒粉在小碗裡拌勻。 |
3. | 麵團發酵好分成2等份,每份桿成30cm/12"直徑圓片。 |
4. | 麵皮上刷上一層步驟2的酥油,再均勻地撒上1/2的蔥花,用桿麵棍稍微桿一下,讓蔥花壓入麵團裡。 |
5. | 在麵皮上從邊緣向中心切一刀,約10cm/4"長。隔90˚(1/4圓)處同樣再切一刀。剩餘的3/4麵皮等切成5份,每刀都是10cm/4"長。 (見下圖) |
將6小片麵皮向中心折,最大片的最後折,覆蓋住其它麵皮再整成圓形。 | |
6. | 8吋平底鍋底抹上一層油,放進麵團蓋上蓋子醒15分鐘。 |
7. | 掀開蓋子,用手將麵團攤成8吋圓餅。抹些水在餅面上,撒滿白芝麻後輕輕壓一下讓芝麻黏在麵皮上。將麵餅翻麵,芝麻麵朝下。 |
8. | 蓋上蓋子用小火烙8分鐘。除去蓋子,將麵餅翻面用中小烙5分鐘。麵餅再度翻面繼續把餅烙熟,約再3分鐘。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 01/11/2020
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