Sautéed Crab with Ginger and Scallion
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1. | Refer to Handling Crabs to clean the crab and cut it into pieces. |
2. | Prepare the Oyster Sauce. Increase the scallion in the recipe to 3 stalks, cut each stalk into 5cm/2" segments. Increase the ginger to 6 small slices; increase the water to 1/4 cup and increase the corn starch to 1 tsp.. |
3. | Marinate the crab with the Light Basic Marinade for 15 minutes. |
4. | Boil a small pot of water. Cook the crab shell in the water until the shell is completely red. Drain the water and place the shell on a plate. |
5. | Coat the crab pieces with yam starch. Place 6 tbs. of oil and crab in a heated pan; pan-fry until red on both sides. Transfer the crab pieces onto paper towels to absorb excessive oil. |
6. | Add the part A from the Oyster Sauce to the same pan and sauté until aromatic. Add the crab and part B from the Oyster Sauce; stir and cook until the crab pieces are done and the sauce is thick. Plate the crab pieces with the shell. |

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1. | 參考處理螃蟹將螃蟹清理乾淨並切成小塊。 |
2. | 準備蠔油醬汁。將配方中的蔥改為3支,每支切5cm/2"小段;薑改為6小片;水改為1/4杯;芡粉改為1小匙。 |
3. | 將螃蟹用基本醃料醃15分鐘。 |
4. | 燒開一小鍋水。放進蟹殼煮到紅透後濾乾水份裝盤。 |
5. | 螃蟹裹上地瓜粉。鍋燒熱後放入6大匙油和螃蟹,用中大火將螃蟹兩面煎紅。取出螃蟹放到紙巾上吸去過多的油份。 |
6. | 原鍋放入蠔油醬汁A料用小火炒香。加入螃蟹,蠔油醬汁B料和1/4杯水翻炒至醬汁粘稠螃蟹全熟。將螃蟹與蟹殼一起裝盤。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 02/02/2021
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