Broth-filled Steamed Pork Dumplings繁體中文
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Note: Please visit Dumpling Fillings for more filling options. Mix the filling with chopped Chicken Broth Jelly at the ration of 1:1.
1. | Prepare the Boiled Dough and Filling for meat pie. |
2. | Cut the dough into 6 grams pieces. Form each piece into a ball then press it into a round disk. Mix the dough disks with little flour; cover with a plastic wrap and rest for 10 minutes. |
3. | Roll out each dough disk into a 9cm/3.5" dia. disk that is thick in the center and thin around the edge. If the center is too thin, the bottom of the wrapper won't support the broth and will break. |
4. | Place approx. 16 grams of filling on the center of a dough disk. Lift one edge toward the center and make a pleat, turn the dough disk a little and make another pleat. Repeat until the dough disk completely encloses the filling. Pinch to seal the opening and snip off the extra dough. Repeat this step for the rest of the dough and filling. |
5. | Cover the bottom of a steamer with a damp cloth, blanched vegetable leaves, or parchment paper. Place the dumplings in the steamer. |
6. | Boil half full pot of water. Place the steamer on top of the pot and steam over high heat for 6 minutes. Mix dark vinegar and ginger in a sauce dish and serve as dipping sauce. |

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註: 請到餃子內餡參考更多內餡選擇。將餡料與切碎的雞湯凍以1:1比例拌勻。
1. | 準備全燙麵麵團和鮮肉雞凍餡。 |
2. | 麵團切成6克的劑子後揉圓並壓扁。將劑子與少許麵粉拌勻後用保潔膜蓋住醒10分鐘。 |
3. | 將每一個劑子擀成中間厚週邊薄,直徑9cm/3.5"的圓片。如果中心過薄會撐不住湯而破皮。 |
4. | 取16克左右的餡放在麵片中心。把麵皮從邊緣拉向中心打折,一邊折一邊轉直到皮緊實地包住餡,然後將開口捏緊並將多餘的麵皮撕掉。剩餘的餡和皮依樣包好。 |
5. | 蒸籠(最好用竹蒸籠)內鋪上濕巾,燙過的菜葉,或不沾黏烘培紙,再放進小籠包。 |
6. | 鍋子水燒滾後放上蒸籠用大火蒸6分鐘即可。把黑醋和薑絲拌勻即為沾醬。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 03/07/2021
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